By utilizing the services on this website ( you agree to the following:

General Policy is a company incorporated under the laws of England and incorporated at  14 Villiers St, London WC2N 6NQ, UK

Data collection and traffic analysis of non-personal information

One of the objectives of is to maintain a user-friendly site that can be found easily on the internet. In general, you can browse the site without the need to reveal any information of a personal nature. During general browsing, we do not collect any personal information except for your IP (Internet Protocol) address, operating system, type of browser, keywords used, pages visited and date and time of visits. This information does not explicitly identify you and is only used for our website traffic analysis. We use this information to optimize visitor experience and treat such information with confidentiality as well.

Personally identifiable information

In order to set up an account, receive email alerts and newsletters, register disputes, contact customer support and other such services, you may be prompted to provide basic information that includes your name, address, email id, phone number, social media account details, and other relevant information so that we can serve you better. Only authorized staff have access to such information that you submit. stores this information securely and undertakes not to disclose, rent, share or sell such data to any third party. 

 The way we use your information

We, at, take extreme care and caution while using your information provided to us during complaints. Although the information can be used in different ways, it will solely be used for the purpose of managing your complaints.

 We value the trust our customers’ place in us and we consider this our responsibility to protect the privacy of your information. For example, in case of disputes regarding specifics of customer s’ interaction with the operator, the details of the communication with the operator are used. Similarly, details such as email id, username etc can be used for multiple purposes such as identification of the account, communicating the progress of your specific complaint or for marketing purposes, if specifically asked by you. Other important information we might use is your payment information and account statements. This is specifically used to settle the disputes regarding the contest of payments in specific instances.

Managing information lawfully is the sole owner of the information collected (through complaints) by the customer on this website. Also, we only have access to/collect information that our customers voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact modes. We do not, in any case, sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use the information shared with us to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us or resolving your queries. However, since our services might require us to share the personal information available with us with 3rd parties in specific instances, we follow a legally vetted procedure for the processing of your information. The same can be summarized as below-

Consent: Where the user has provided clear consent to process their personal data for a specific purpose

It is important to note that you enjoy the option to withdraw this consent at any given point in time. If you opt to withdraw consent, the complaint raised will automatically stand ‘Resolved’ or ‘Found for the Casino’ status

Contract: Where the performance of a contract is required for the processing of the data

Customer consent to share/discuss details with other 3rd parties (if needed) is absolute must even in this case to effectively manage the complaint process lawfully

How can you access and control your Information

We retain all the personal information shared by you through complaints and other mediums for a maximum period of 5 years after which it is automatically deleted.

As our customers, you enjoy the freedom of contacting us via the email address or phone number available and can easily:

  • Access the information about the data we have about you
  • Change/correct any data or information we have about you
  • Avail the option of deleting the data we have about you.
  • You enjoy the complete liberty and freedom to express any concern you have about our use of your data/information available to us.

Dealing with the misuse of the data

With the interests of customers solely in perspective, one of our major priorities is to effectively deal with the misuse of data.

To use data in a safe and secure manner we ensure that the:

  • The sensitive information such as credit card and bank account details are properly encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. The same can be verified by checking the bottom of the web browser for a closed lock icon or "https" at the starting of the webpage address while accessing our website.
  • At, we take every precaution to protect your data and information. We adopt the most stringent measures to protect any sensitive information submitted via our website both online and offline through strong password protecting all files stored on the server
  • Along with the online data protection using encryption, we also protect your information offline completely. We maintain a safe and secure environment for protecting your data by keeping the information on safe computers/servers. The personally identifiable information of our customers can only be accessed by the employees of the company such as team managing the complaints etc
  • We also ensure that all your personal information shared with us in the form of complaints and through emails is automatically deleted after 5 years

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